Noose is a story about a young boy who, on the brink of committing suicide, is unexpectedly diverted from his path by the sound of barking in the distance. His encounter with a drowning puppy leads to an unexpected turn of events, offering a message of hope and redemption. At the end of the film, there is a small snippet of a song with the vocals of UCLA student Amy Ahn. The film has received over 2.5 million views since being posted on YouTube in 2017.

After realizing that her film was about to reach the 2 million mark, Shirley reached out to her friends, Stephen Spies and Kate Bacich, about creating a full version of the end credits song fans loved so much. Stephen asked his bandmates, Hello Noon, if we would help contribute to the song. We were more than delighted to help bring this song to life!

The band and I jammed on the song and eventually came up with the bridge where I sang the lead vocals. After recording and mixing, we sent the finished song and sent it over to Shirley. 

On May 5th, 2024, we released the music video on YouTube and the song Upstream onto all streaming platforms. We are so proud of this collaboration with Shirley and Amy and grateful we got to be a part of this wonderful world Shirley created. 

Our motto has always been to help people feel less alone; because of this, the song Upstream means the world to us. To check out the original film, please check out Noose here and the animated music video of Upstream here.